Imagine as a young man, all is going fine for you. You have a job working in the development world and making the best of life.
Suddenly, you lose your legs. And you are wheelchair-bound for the rest of your life.
This is the experience of Abdu-Rahman Edward Koroma.
The organization he worked for, on whose service he had this life changing accident, abandoned him. Everywhere he looked for job, he was turned down.
As you would expect, Abdu-Rahman fell into depression.
Luckily, he managed to pick himself up. Today, he runs an NGO out of Bo city, advocating for marginalized communities, including people living with disabilities like him.
Abdu-Rahman, a fellow of Impact West Africa, explains how he got to this point in this interview with ManoReporters.
The conversation commenced with an explanation of his organization – CSEED-SL.